Ready, Set, Network! Five Week Networking Intensive

When you purchase this Five Week Networking Intensive, you'll learn;

  • How to Launch your home business effectively
  • How to earn your first $1,000
  • How to earn your first $10,000
  • How to earn your first $100,000
  • How to earn your first $1,000,000
  • How to attract prospects and new recruits almost magnetically
  • How to create massive duplication within your organization
  • How to develop success habits that foster leadership in you and your team
  • The EXACT Steps I took to earn my first one million dollars in networking
  • How I developed leaders helping several earn six figures annually
  • What myths to look out for and what doesn't duplicate depite it possibly "working"
  • Why multiplication is better than addition in networking
  • How to overcome the most common objections
  • How to sort instead of convince
  • How to develop unconscious competence
  • The best practices in presentations and meetings
  • How to rank advance fast while creating momentum

This course was born out of love and having the privilege to lead thousands of people on my team and on others teams. I'm honored to have helped some leaders earn six and seven figures in the networking industry while touching the lives of tens of thousands of people on the planet. 

Once you possess this Five Week Intensive, you'll have at your disposal an amalgamation of decades of experience in the industry which has garnered millions of dollars and changes thousands of lives for the better. 

KC Townes

Author of 'The Start of the Beginning'

Multi-Millionaire Earner and Success Coach




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