KC Townes Blog

‘Recognizing the rough’

Have you ever felt like you were destined to accomplish something, and when you started to move in the direction of your goal you then began to doubt yourself. You let self doubt creep in to your creative thought process. Questions like; Why did I think I could do this? Who am I trying to fool? I’m not sure what to do? And, ‘I’m going to need some help. If you were hitting a golf ball experts in that field would tell you, you’re in ‘The rough’. The high grass is the place where you have difficulty finding your (self) ball. When you do you have to figure out how to advance accurately towards your desired destination.

Successful Networkers and small business owners can end up in the rough on their way to finding the cup on the fairway. The cup is the destination (the hole the ball goes in to finish the game or the hole your playing so you can advance to the next challenge/task) you were aiming at. In golf the question is; What club do I use to get...

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Trials of the Traditional Mindset, Pt 2

The Entrepreneurial Approach to Success


I want to begin by asking you an interesting question. Are you someone who will challenge ‘Traditional’ thinking in the pursuit of what will make your health and life better? In other words are you the person that has the strength to step out from the norm? When it comes time to make a decision are you a crowd pleaser, or do you create your own crowd? Entrepreneurs are leaders because they don't yearn for the middle of the pack, or gravitate to being one of the many.


So as you set out on your journey of creating your opportunities in health, business or in life it's important to take note that the elephant gets eaten one bite at a time. Progressive thinkers know every step in their development, even the baby steps matter. It's no different than taking a drive across country, your eyes are on the destination which is thousands of miles away, but every mile along the way counts towards your progress. Entrepreneurial...

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Trials of the Traditional Mindset, Pt 1

The Trials of Traditional Mindset (Part 1)


Every year Americans spend about 3.5 Trillion dollars on healthcare. The words Health Care are powerful, defined they mean; ‘The maintenance and improvement of physical and mental health’. So, when we say the words ‘HealthCare’, a message of hope and healing is transmitted across the land. Today many Americans believe the key to improving their health is found in a bottle of prescribed medications and/or traditional methods of care.


What we often find is what is prescribed for us, doesn’t cure our concerns and ailments, while costing us in copayments, monthly payments and annual payments. It’s been stated many times the money in the medical industry is in treatment, not curing a patients concerns. As a society we’ve been taught that medical professionals are trusted because of the education required to achieve the titles and letters, that go before and after their name. This caste...

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Facing Your Fear(s) Part II

Let’s go back to that 90% going right for you. If you’re going to stay around to achieve the success you came in looking for, then its the 10% that you didn’t master, that’s where you put your focus and attention. Believe it or not, there are people who have that 90 / 10 positive breakdown, who leave the industry because they can’t deal with the 10% they haven’t mastered.  Chalk it up to a competitive spirit, aggressive behavior, not wanting to ever fail and the big one is not having anyone else ever see you fail. That’s right, there are people who leave the industry because other people now know, they’re not perfect. It’s tough for them to allow anyone to see their flaws.

This is one of the reasons why personal development (‘PD’) is so huge in our industry. It’s a fact that networkers read more, look at and listen to more personal development than any other group on the planet. So the future leaders who...

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Facing Your Fear(s) Part I

This story centers around an old expression called ‘The fear of flying’. It's an old expression that has been around for decades.  I’m not sure if the expression was started before the advent of Networking, but it has a direct correlation to our industry, that I’m going to share with you today.  It is important to point out that you are the pilot of your own business plane.  As you fly (by marketing your services, products and when you introduce people to your company’s business plan), there are a few fears that can appear and interrupt your smooth flight. This story is about some of those fears, and how they impacted some of the people I've known throughout the year.

Fear of flying number one: Getting started! Sometimes getting started is tougher than the climb to the top position in your company. When you start, it requires the strength to step outside the accepted ‘Norms’ of your circle.  It’s exciting to do...

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Perspective Part II

Part 2

Now that we have put the proper focus on the issue of Perspective, I want to share a story I read once that helped me understand how our different perceptions can shape how we view everyday occurrences and people we encounter.  As you read this story, think about the times you were with others, you saw the same thing but the perception of what you were looking at, or who you were dealing with somehow wasn’t the same for all.

The story of the 5 blind men and the elephant;

Once upon a time, five blind men came upon an elephant.

“What is this?” asked the first one, who had run head first into its side.

“It’s an elephant.” said the elephant’s keeper, who was sitting on a stool, cleaning the elephant’s harness.

“Wow, so this is an Elephant!  I’ve always wondered what Elephants are like.” said the man, running his hands as far as he could reach up and down the elephant’s side. “Why,...

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Perspective is what today’s blog post is all about. I have been in networking companies with some of the brightest, most incredibly talented people on the planet. When you stay around the industry for an extended period, you meet every different type of person imaginable. Along my journey, I met a fellow Distributor whose perception of things was (and still is) different than everyone else I’ve known. I’m not making a value judgment because of our differences, I’m simply stating they consistently saw things at an angle most of us never even imagine. I’ll be transparent about my perceptions. In the beginning their perceptive process made me very uncomfortable, because they didn’t see what the masses (which I was a charter member of at that time) saw. When some of us would discuss the gatherings at the social mixers, there were times some of the distributors only talked about this person instead of the event we just attended. The reason so many of...

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Power of a Mentor Part II

First, understand starting and staying are not the same. Starting means you had the courage to begin. The courage to separate yourself from the pack of the ordinary.  Entrepreneurship is a privilege because it means you’re able to visualize things that most of the people you know will never understand, about economics and freedom. Staying means you know you’re a bit different in your approach to success than most of the folks you know who want to play it safe. Staying means you decided differences in you and the people you know and care about are OK and acceptable. In the beginning when you decide to stay, it’s almost always because of the phenomena called sharing.  Someone gave you insight into how to become successful. You’ve decided to do the same thing for others.  This is sharing.  Staying means that despite whatever feedback you receive, you’re locked in, even when it's not easy. The staying is about your dedication to...

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Power of a Mentor Part I

So, I hadn’t been in the industry that long and I was searching for a sponsor. I’m not talking about any sponsor, I needed a real mentor to show, guide and teach me what I needed to do to energize my business, and build my belief. And then I found you. That was my story and if you stay around the industry long enough, you will have a story like the one I just shared.  Some of you reading this can relate.  You were searching for some of the same things in a mentor at some time in your Networking career.  Staying around and having longevity in our industry means you will probably be a mentor, role model or teacher to someone who is needing key guidance to inject that ingredient they’re missing in their business and maybe even in themselves. Thinking about that now, I’ll ask you what a sponsor of mine asked me years ago. She said KC, what are two or three things that will separate you from the distributors who achieve ordinary?  What is your...

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Confidence, Leadership and Trust... Part 3

I talk about servant leadership all the time.  If you aren’t sure what this term means, read this story again.  This is a classic example of confidence, leadership and trust!  The confidence of leadership to the point they were not threatened by the greatness of others around them.  Leadership obviously being shown by our power couple, but also by this young lady.  She is a student of the industry and is learning how to lead from the middle. If you don’t think this is a big deal, think about how many times you have seen leadership call on people to give a testimonial, or introduce someone and they simply don’t want to. They say why don’t you ask __________, or they may say no, no thank you.  Sometimes these are the people who have the most criticism of others who are willing to take the risk, who are focused on behaviors designed to grow their businesses. But these folks can sometimes be heard in the ‘Peanut Gallery’...

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